I will only post a couple of paintings at a time in the hope that eventually the site will pop up in Google, and it should not be too large to open.
I am busy trying to get together a number of paintings for the annual exhibition in Wells in August. This is normally a two-man exhibition, but it looks as if my colleague may not be well enough to take part, so I will need upwards of 85 images!! Thank goodness there were plenty left over form last year. As most of our visitors are tourists this is no big deal.
White Lilies
I painted an abstract landscape at Avon Valley Art Group (which I help organise with 2 fellow painters) this week, but when I brought it home there was a great debate about which way around it it looks best. Unfortunately I cannot show it at the moment as I have a new pc and the scanner is too old to be downloaded into the new system, so I have to get a new one. I prefer to scan rather than take a photo as I find my camera does not always make a good job of the colour rendering. Todays offering therefore is from the collection. Hope you enjoy looking.
Another beautiful painting