
Thursday, 7 June 2012

Japanese Blood Grass

Something a little different this time! We are into the summer recess for the Avon Valley Artists, and the idea is to have a break so that those who enjoy painting plein aire can go off and do their 'thing' However the weather has been so appalling over the past couple of years, that we have decided to keep the hall open throughout the summer, so that we can still meet if it is wet, and to give a space to those who prefer to paint indoors throughout the year. There is no programme, so you just 'do your own thing'. I have decided that from time to time I will attempt subjects that involve playing with colour and paint!!

I came across this lovely photo in a wonderful book about grasses, published by the Royal Horticultural Society. Lots of the photos are superb and I look forwards to using some of them in the future.

The colours are really glorious and I thought it would make a good semi-abstract picture. I am also always on the look-out for images that I can paint which make suitable cards for my male relatives and friends. Quite a number of them are not flowery people, and I never want to go out and buy cards as they seem so expensive these days, and I do like sending my own.

The process was quite simple. I sprayed the paper and spread stripes of paint into the wet background. I dried it thoroughly and then kept adding layers, and drying and more layers until I had built up an image which pleased me. I then added some darks between the 'leaves' and used a pen to add a few strong foreground grasses. A good splattering of all the colours I had used throughout the painting, and the addition of a little acrylic ink in red yellow and orange for a bit of zing, and it was done! Hope you enjoy looking.


  1. Hello Yvonne:) Your bloodgras is also very beautiful and very colorful. Makes me happy waching it. I will keep this in mind. Will be handy sometime! Thank you for showing!

    1. Thanks, Renate. It was the colours which drfew me to the photo in the first place.

  2. The colours are gorgeous but the subject - mainly straight lines - doesn't appeal. Very well done nevertheless.

  3. I think this was all about the colour Peter, so glad that bit worked. I know that not everyone enjoys the same sort of composition, so thats fine. As long as you enjoyed looking!

  4. I absolutely love the idea of keeping the hall open for those rainy days! It's great that you have the flexibility to paint indoors and still meet with fellow artists. I recently had a situation where I needed to Get Paint Out of Grass after a messy outdoor project, and found some useful tips that might be handy for anyone dealing with paint stains on their grass. The book sounds fascinating, and I’m sure it will inspire some fantastic future pieces!
