
Wednesday 14 December 2011


As the Christmas season rapidly approaches, I have to think about closing down the studio and converting it into the guest bedroom. I have always known that the price to pay for having sole use of the second biggest bedroom for my studio has meant that whenever we have visitors, I have to give up the space whilst ever they are in residence. My mother is about to join us, so can see no possibility of doing much painting until the festivities are over.
I have, therefore been making a bit of a push to finish a piece of work which has been on the easel for over a week now, and that it quite a long time for me.

It was really coming along nicely, until there was enough work completed to be able to imagine the end result. Some bits of it are lovely, but I am sorry to say that the composition leaves quite a bit to be desired!

Now that it can be seen as a whole, it is almost a painting of two halves, which bothers me each time I look at it. My husband thinks I am too critical, but I do wish that I had arranged the flowers a little better and not followed my photograph quite so slavishly. In hindsight I would like to move the central yellow rose across to touch the spray of white roses on the left and slot another white rose between it and the lower right yellow rose.
I also wish that I had not had all 4 white roses on the left facing straight towards me. It would be more interesting if at least one of them was turned slightly away from centre.
I really must do a compositional, tonal sketch in future before I start, but I am always too keen to get on with the actual painting. Will I ever learn!    


  1. Hi Yvonne, I do enjoy your painting and your insights and so I thought I'd go back to the very beginning of your blog and pop up now and then with comments along the way.
    I miss the informal group to which I used to belong (we have moved out of the area) and really enjoy you blogging about your art, technique and, well, everything to do with painting.
    I understand what you're saying about composition here in this painting, and I also empathise with the keenness to get started (for me... once I've actually come up with an idea of what to paint!).
    Cheers now, Susan :D)

    1. Its lovely to think that some of the old posts are still of interest to other artists. I know I would really miss my painting group if it ever folded. Most of us have been together for ages and we are really comfortable with each other whilst painting, regardless of the result and I learn so much from them still.I am sure there will be other groups that you can join. Happy painting!
